Notes from Ordinary Meetings & Minutes of Annual General Meeting 01 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held in Ashampstead Village Hall
on 5th February 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: John George (chair), Emma Goodman, Graham Light, Paula Walton, Grant Tuff,
Caroline Butler and Trudi Butcher
Member of the public present: Helen Bartlett
1. Apologies for Absence: James Bartlett and James Hole
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
These were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising
Asbestos Register - ART will check through old minutes to locate the whereabouts of any asbestos in the village hall to produce a schedule to show future contractors where it is.
4. Village Pub Nights
Owing to the lack of customers at the beginning of last week’s Pub Night, it was decided that the event will revert to opening at 7pm during winter months and open earlier at 6pm from May onwards. Each Pub Night will continue to finish at 10pm.
5. ART Finances
As the Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting, this will be deferred to the next meeting.
6. Playground Update
Phase I has been completed and children have already been playing on the new ship.
Now that Phase I has been completed, the village needs to start raising money for Phase II. ART will look at available grants push the JustGiving page on the Ashampstead WhatsApp page to get donations from village residents.
Phase II might need planning permission and ART needs to check with West Berks Council.
7. Quiz Update
The quiz, held on the 13th January, was very successful and made a profit of £647. A future quiz would be better held in April when people were not distracted by Christmas and there was an entry in the Leaflet to remind people to buy their tickets. The profits of the raffle went to Berkshire Women’s Aid.
8. Possible Future Events – All need further discussion
Midsummer Jamboree - summer event, possibly in June, with food stalls, entertainment and games.
Open Gardens 2025 - to be discussed further after the summer event.
Pub Night - to support Simon Cromack’s JustGiving page.
Village Dog Show - in autumn 2024 or summer 2025. The exact timing needs to be discussed.
Hallowe’en Pub Night - fancy-dress competition at the November Pub Night (2nd November) with ‘spooky’ food.
Festive Windows - competition where people dress their windows around the village with a prize for the favourite one, culminating in a drinks party at the December Pub Night.
Pop-up Drive-in Cinema - on Flower’s Piece with people watching a film from their parked cars. Drinks and refreshments can be purchased.
9. Upgrade of Hall Sound System
The hall speaker system needs looking at with a view to finding a better solution to connect devices to the current speaker/amplifier system. This would also make it easier to use for music on Pub Nights.
10. Any Other Business
a) Loyalty cards for the Pub Nights have been discussed. A card would be stamped each time the owner buys a drink at Pub Night. Once they have been to five Pub Nights, their first drink at the sixth Pub Night they attend would be free. Rules will apply.
b) The James Grieve apple tree bought for celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee has been planted by
Caroline and James B. next to the phone box. Villagers will be welcome to have the fruit once it appears.
c) Caroline and Trudi informed the meeting they both intend to step down at the AGM.
11. Date of Next Meeting - Monday 25th March at 7.30pm
The meeting ended at 9.20pm
Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held in Ashampstead Village Hall
on 21st September 2023 at 7.30pm
Present: John George (Chair), Trudi Butcher, Grant Tuff, Graham Light, Paula Walton,
Emma Goodman, Caroline Butler and James Bartlett (virtual attendance).
Apologies for Absence from James Hole
The following matters were discussed:
1. Village Hall Electrical Upgrade
The electricians will be chased for a start date.
2. Replacement Kitchen Door in the Village Hall
The door has been replaced with a uPVC one.
3. Playground Update
The playground has deteriorated recently. Thanks to the Parish Council’s kind donation of
£10,000 to buy the equipment, ART will action the installation, as soon as possible, of a play
‘ship’ to which other items of equipment can be connected at a later date. ART will look into
fund-raising, grant options and a Just Giving page to finance the next stage of the project.
4. Play Equipment Inspection for Insurance
ART will contact Wicksteed to arrange an inspection of the play equipment.
5. Amendments to Hall Hire Terms and Conditions
ART will draft some up-to-date Terms and Conditions for the Village Hall.
6. Fireworks – 2nd December
ART will send out requests for people to set up for the annual event via MailChimp, the Leaflet
and the village website
7. Village Quiz – 13th January 2024
Arrangements are underway and requests for food and drink for raffle prizes will be sent out
8. Pumpkin Competition – 21st October
There will be a small prize for the winners of each category – the weight of home-grown
pumpkins, the best dressed (bought/home-grown) pumpkin and best carved (bought/home-
grown) pumpkin.
9. Ashampstead Arms
The Pub Night timings these have now been changed permanently to 6pm – 10pm.
10. ART Finances
The Trustees voted to approve the audited accounts discussed at the AGM in July.
11. Village Hall Floor
The holes that suddenly appeared in the small room floor have now been mended.
12. Village Apple Tree
The commemorative apple tree will be re-sited near the telephone kiosk.
13. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm. The meeting ended at 20.55.
Annual General Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held on 24th July 2023 at Ashampstead Village Hall at 7.00pm
followed by an Ordinary Meeting
Present: Les Billing (chair), Caroline Butler, Trudi Butcher, John George, Paula Walton,
Graham Light, Grant Tuff, Emma Goodman.
There were no members of the public present.
1. Apologies:
James Hole and James Bartlett
2. Notice of Meeting:
It was confirmed that the notice of meeting was published two weeks prior to the meeting date.
3. Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting:
The Minutes were approved by the Trustees and signed by the Chairman.
4. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2023:
The accounts have been audited by Andrew Sivyer FCA.
ART has a total income £9,729 for the year, accrued from Pub Nights, the Queen’s Jubilee, Bonfire Night and dividends/bank interest. This is £8,746 less than last year as ART received a £10,000 Covid grant then. As money has been spent on hall refurbishment, maintenance and running costs, ART is left with a deficit of £1,922.
5. Chairman’s Report:
Les informed the new Trustees that the objectives of ART are the provision and maintenance of property, a village hall and a recreation ground, for the benefit of parishioners.
The Trust engaged in numerous successful fund-raising activities and engagements for the village, including Pub Nights, a Bonfire Event and an event to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Repairs were made to the village hall roof and toilets, leading to a loss of £1,922.
6. Appointment of Committee of Management:
Chairman – John George, proposed by Les, seconded by Caroline
Treasurer – James Bartlett, proposed by John, seconded by Trudi
Secretary – Caroline Butler, proposed by Graham, seconded by John
Trustees – Trudi Butcher (minutes secretary)
Grant Tuff
Paula Walton
Emma Goodman
Ex officio for Lord Illiffe – James Hole
PC representative – Graham Light
Election of the Trustees not holding official office was proposed by Caroline and seconded by John.
Les is standing down from the committee as he has left the village. The Trustees thanked him for all his hard work, particularly in applying for and obtaining grants. John had thanked Les and presented him with small gift at the Pub Night earlier in the month.
7. Declaration of Acceptance by Members:
This was signed by all Trustees present.
8. Any Other Business: There was none.
The meeting ended at 7.25pm
Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held in Ashampstead Village Hall
on 24th July 2023 at 7.30pm
Present: John George (chair), Caroline Butler, Emma Goodman, Graham Light, Paula Walton,
Grant Tuff, Trudi Butcher. Les Billing (as a member of the public)
1. Apologies for Absence:
James Hole and James Bartlett
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
These were signed and dated
3. Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting:
a) Village Hall electrical upgrade - The electricians who have quoted to remove the coin meters and extraneous wiring in the electricity cupboard will undertake the necessary work in September.
b) Quote to replace kitchen door - Graham has obtained a quote from Brand Windows to replace the door with either a uPVC or an aluminium one. The Trustees voted to opt for a uPVC door.
c) Playground update - Graham has been in touch with a playground company, HomeFront, who quoted to install a 9m long wooden ‘galleon’ activity centre with grass mats for safety.
Graham and Emma will head a small committee to organise this. Graham will speak to the
Parish Council and HomeFront to see when the work can start.
d) Dehumidifier drain pipe update - Graham has installed a pipe to drain the water from the dehumidifier outside, away from the air brick and the fire exit.
4. Finance Review:
As the Treasurer was unable to make the meeting, this will be carried over to the next meeting.
5. Amendments to Hall Hire Terms and Conditions:
The current Terms and Conditions need to be brought up to date. Grant, Trudi, Caroline and Paula
will review them.
6. Play Equipment Inspection:
Graham will check with Wicksteed when last inspection was done and how often one is needed.
7. Any Other Business:
i) Fireworks - Les will get a quote from our usual suppliers.
ii) Quiz - Caroline, Paula and Trudi will meet with Mary Calvert to organise the quiz. It might
need to be moved to January from November if it clashes with the Pumpkin Competition.
iii) Advent Calendar Competition - It was suggested the village holds an advent calendar
competition with a prize for the best-dressed windows. A charge would be made to enter
and also for a trail leaflet to look at the windows in December and vote for their favourite.
Paula will look into it.
iv) Loyalty Card - It was suggested there was a loyalty card scheme for Pub Nights where
people get a stamp for their first drink at each Pub Night. They would get their first drink at
the sixth Pub Night free. John will discuss this with the Pub Night landlord, Helen Bartlett.
v) Hall Hedge - Michael Cairns has offered to trim the hedge for the same price as last year.
vi) Dog Bin - A new dog excrement bin has been installed at the end of the path near Byways
Thatch thanks to Parish Council members.
vii) Pumpkin Competition - The recent poor weather has meant that the pumpkins are not as big
as hoped. The competition for the largest home-grown pumpkin will still be held, but opened up
to people who want to buy a commercial pumpkin and carve or decorate it too. Pumpkin
soup could be sold at the Pub Night. John will speak to Helen Bartlett. The exact timing of a
Pub Night to judge the competition needs to be decided.
viii) Pub Night Timings - It was suggested that Pub Nights should start earlier to enable people
with very young children to come earlier. John will speak to Helen Bartlett about changing
the timings to 6.00-10.00pm.
8. Date of Next Meeting:
21st September 2023 at 7.30pm.
The meeting ended at 8.40pm.
Notes from Ordinary Meetings & Minutes of Annual General Meeting 01 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
Notes from Minutes of the Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held in Ashampstead Village Hall on 9th March 2023 at 7.30pm
Present: Les Billing (Chair), Caroline Butler, Graham Light, James Bartlett, John George, Grant Tuff and Trudi Butcher. Also present: Helen Bartlett, Ashampstead Arms ‘landlady’.
Apologies for Absence were received from Paula Walton and James Hole
The following matters were discussed:
1. Village Hall
a. Village Hall Electrical Upgrade:
Electricians, DJ Scott, will be appointed to sort out the electricity cupboard in the kitchen.
The LED bulbs will be replaced at a later date and ART is hoping to install a smart meter to read the
electricity usage before and after each event so they can recoup the cost of the electricity from the hirers.
b. Painting Hall Doors and Men’s Toilet:
Caroline will ask her painter to quote the job.
2. Village Event in honour of the King’s Coronation
It was decided to make the village event a special Pub Night, starting at 6pm with a glass of ‘fizz’ and a barbecue.
3. Playground Update
The Parish Council has kindly agreed to buy the climbing frame from CIL money. The remaining proposed
equipment will be added once the money has been raised.
James B has added £250 from the fireworks event and £400 donation from Jaione Pagazaurtundua Alberte’s
employers, Microsoft, towards the cost of the playground project.
4. November Pub Night
It was decided not to hold a Pub Night in November, as it tends to clash with Bonfire Night events and few people
come. Trudi will speak with Mary Calvert to see if the Village Quiz can be reinstated later in November instead.
5. Insurance
Grant asked whether we need to have the play equipment inspected for our insurance to cover us and whether this
means we can get a reduced rate. He will look through the paperwork.
6. Trees on Flowers Piece
Graham will check the trees on Flowers Piece for loose and dangerous branches as the last time any work was done
on the trees was in 2015, although they were checked in 2018 and nothing was found. If necessary, Graham will ask
Michael Cairns to quote for any necessary work.
7. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 24th July. The AGM will be held at 7.00pm, followed by an Ordinary Meeting at 7.30pm
The meeting concluded at 8.45pm
Notes of a Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held in Ashampstead Village Hall on 23rd January 2023 at 7.30pm
(postponed from the 16th January 2023, due to absences and illness)
Present: Les Billing (Chair), Caroline Butler, Trudi Butcher, John George, James Bartlett,
James Hole, Graham Light, Paula Walton and Grant Tuff
There were no apologies for absence
The following matters were discussed:
1. EIectrical Work in the Village Hall
Having received a quote from DJ Scott, it was decided to update the distribution boards and
replace lights throughout the hall if additional funds can be obtained via the Parish Council.
2. ART Finances
a. ART recently received a £400 donation from a Jaione Pagazaurtundua Alberte whose
employers allocate money towards charity work undertaken by their employees. The money will
be put towards renovating the children’s playground. ART’s grateful thanks goes to Jaione.
b. The recent Bonfire Event made a small profit of £250, which means ART had no need to use any of
the £4,000 AFLOS money held in reserve.
3. Review of Bonfire Event held on Saturday 3rd December 2022
This was held to be successful, despite fewer people attending and will be repeated on the
2nd December 2023.
4. Increase in Cost of Electricity for the Village Hall
The hall’s current fixed rate will end at the end of November 2023, which means ART will have to find
another way to recover the cost of the electricity used by people renting the hall now that the coin-
operated meters are no longer there. Suggestions are:
. that ART takes a deposit which is returned, less the cost of the electricity used, once the meter is
read before and after the event
. that there are different tariffs for summer and winter usage
. that renters state on the Hire Form any high output items, such as kettles, the urn, heating and the
cooker they intend to use and an additional charge is made with the hire fee
To be discussed further at the next meeting.
5. Flower’s Piece
a. The Children’s Playground
It was suggested that ART removes the fence down and replaces the climbing frame as soon as possible via
the CIL from the Parish Council. Any remaining equipment can be bought once any potential additional
funding has been received.
b. Flower’s Piece Memorial for Jane Rowland
It was suggested that a cherry tree be planted as a memorial to Jane Rowland, who died in
October. The Jubilee apple tree also needs to be re-sited. The suggested site is on Flower’s Piece
near ‘Crowcroft’ with other trees or on the Green.
c. Dog Bins
Due to the increased cost of emptying the dog bins, one has been taken out of action by the
Parish Council. The remaining bin will be monitored by the PC.
6. Replacement ART Trustees
Owing to two people, including the Chairman, stepping down from ART, there is a need for new members.
It was suggested that a better demarcation of jobs – eg applying for grants, organising workmen etc.
would help this process.
7. Fundraising Events for 2023
a. The King’s Coronation Festivities 6th - 8th May
After discussion of several options, it was suggested that the village holds a special ‘Coronation Pub
Night’ on Saturday 6th May. James B will ask Helen Bartlett, the Ashampstead Arms’ landlady, for
her ideas.
b. Bonfire Night - 2nd December
c. Annual Village Quiz
Mary Calvert to be asked if she would be willing to organise the annual village quiz this year.
8. Any Other Business
The Newbury Weekly News has asked to write a short piece about the monthly Pub Night and the Trustees were
happy to agree.
9. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 9th March at 7.30pm.
The meeting ended at 9.37pm.
Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held on 12th July 2022 at Ashampstead Village Hall
at 7.30pm following the Annual General Meeting at 7.00pm
Present: Les Billing (chair), James Bartlett, John George, Caroline Butler, Trudi Butcher and Graham Light
The following items were discussed:
1. Village Hall Updates:
EIectrical Work – this is still outstanding. The contractors will be approached to see if their quote is still valid.
Replacement Gentlemen’s Toilet – the toilet has been replaced and the walls will be repainted.
2. Playground Fence Quote:
A quote of £10,319 for a non-maintenance, powder-coated fence has been received and ART will need to
raise the money for this.
3. Replacement Marquee:
This was bought in time for the Jubilee Celebrations.
4. ART Finances:
Over the year April 2021- March 2022, ART’s total income was £18,475.After expenditure, which included hall
refurbishment, hall maintenance, hall running costs, licences and bonfire outgoings, ART is left with a surplus
of £7,368 for the year.
5. Jubilee Celebrations Update:
This was a very successful day and many people attended. Despite this not being a profit-making event, ART
was left with a balance of £177.65 profit, which will be allocated to the playground Good Exchange
fundraising effort.
6. Funding for the Playground:
It was suggested that ART allocate a budget of £27,000, to include a new fence, playground equipment
(possibly including a new climbing frame and and an adult multi-gym). Residents will be given a link in the
Leaflet if they would like to contribute to the playground fund which, hopefully, will be match funded and allow
the Trust to improve the playground.
7. Future Fund Raising:
The following suggestions were made:
. Village Quiz
. Pub Nights to include food/entertainment
. A Gigaclear event to promote Gigaclear services.
. Gaming night for the youngsters with refreshments (probably pizza)
. Silent disco
. Village pumpkin challenge (in 2023)
. Dahlia competition in September or October
. Bonfire Night on the 3rd December
8. Trees and Undergrowth on Flower’s Piece:
Yattendon Estates to be asked to cut back the undergrowth, which is protruding by about 3 to 4 metres onto Flower’s Piece.
9. Date of Next Meeting: Monday, 26th September 7.30pm
The meeting ended at 9.12pm
Annual General Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held on 12th July 2022 at Ashampstead Village Hall at 7.00pm
Meeting of the Ashampstead Recreational Trust
held on 12th July 2022 at Ashampstead Village Hall
at 7.30pm following the Annual General Meeting at 7.00pm
Present: Les Billing (chair), James Bartlett, John George, Caroline Butler, Trudi Butcher and Graham Light
The following items were discussed:
1. Village Hall Updates:
EIectrical Work – this is still outstanding. The contractors will be approached to see if their quote is still valid.
Replacement Gentlemen’s Toilet – the toilet has been replaced and the walls will be repainted.
2. Playground Fence Quote:
A quote of £10,319 for a non-maintenance, powder-coated fence has been received and ART will need to
raise the money for this.
3. Replacement Marquee:
This was bought in time for the Jubilee Celebrations.
4. ART Finances:
Over the year April 2021- March 2022, ART’s total income was £18,475.After expenditure, which included hall
refurbishment, hall maintenance, hall running costs, licences and bonfire outgoings, ART is left with a surplus
of £7,368 for the year.
5. Jubilee Celebrations Update:
This was a very successful day and many people attended. Despite this not being a profit-making event, ART
was left with a balance of £177.65 profit, which will be allocated to the playground Good Exchange
fundraising effort.
6. Funding for the Playground:
It was suggested that ART allocate a budget of £27,000, to include a new fence, playground equipment
(possibly including a new climbing frame and and an adult multi-gym). Residents will be given a link in the
Leaflet if they would like to contribute to the playground fund which, hopefully, will be match funded and allow
the Trust to improve the playground.
7. Future Fund Raising:
The following suggestions were made:
. Village Quiz
. Pub Nights to include food/entertainment
. A Gigaclear event to promote Gigaclear services.
. Gaming night for the youngsters with refreshments (probably pizza)
. Silent disco
. Village pumpkin challenge (in 2023)
. Dahlia competition in September or October
. Bonfire Night on the 3rd December
8. Trees and Undergrowth on Flower’s Piece:
Yattendon Estates to be asked to cut back the undergrowth, which is protruding by about 3 to 4 metres onto
Flower’s Piece.
9. Date of Next Meeting: Monday, 26th September 7.30pm
The meeting ended at 9.12pm